Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Milk Shake Chugging Contest

Dezi's School had an Arby's fundraiser to raise money for the Character Counts Program. They got 20% of all the profit from that night!!! WOW...For fun they invited kids from all the classes to come and have a Milk Shake Chugging contest. Dezi was so funny she kept having a brain freeze, she didnt win but her friend Ashley did. Dezi was so happy about her friend winning she forgot to keep eating. We had fun watching them, they kept making the worst faces, like they were eating pickle juice or something. It was fun and the school raised $$$ so you know we just had to participate. Hope you enjoy the pictures, Dezi looks so grown up to me, what do u think???

1 comment:

Ron and Jamie said...

super cute pics! hope your selling hords @ merry berry!! hang in there.